Malta - an eternal carnival which, perhaps, does not stop never. Island of eternal happiness, an all-the-year-round season of pleasure, euphoria and fine mood. Everyone to whom has had the luck to visit there, speak the same phrase: « Remarkable people, these malteses! ». About it still speak « Honey island ».
Very difficultly also is rather problematic to find in territory of the Mediterranean one more similar people which so sincerely, affably and hospitably met all newcomers of tourists, and also « constant visitors ». From the point of view of ethnography of scientists explain such behaviour usual friendliness which is in blood at southern people. Besides it add the feeling of mutual aid borrowed at Englishmen. British - original idols for malteses as the last have adopted at them some very good and necessary qualities so highly estimated by malteses.
Earlier the island was considered as a part of the original natural bridge connected borders of two continents - Africa and the Europe. For today the group of islands was stretched enough far apart. The Sicily nearest to Malta is located in 93 kilometers.
If you have such opportunity how to lead a honeymoon on « the Pearl of the Mediterranean » - it is necessary only to envy, in fact that can be finer, than wake up under tender whisper of waves in one of white small houses which are surrounded by a fence from interwining grapevines, and blossoming cactuses. Besides floors in such small houses stone, that allows to keep a cool. Or, if it would be desirable, probably to borrow at local fishermen one of numerous boats to get out in the sea and, having forgotten about all surrounding realities of a usual life, with all the heart to fish about rocks. For fans of nodiving, or skin nodiving there is an opportunity to rent all necessary equipment and to plunge into the unforgettable underwater world with the purpose of studying of its flora and fauna, having armed with a harpoon, or a sea gun.
Have a dinner in one of the small cosy small restaurants located directly on coast, the unforgettable kind on a water smooth surface and an island landscape whence opens. The city has been incorporated by the Arabian conquerors and settles down in the center of island.
It is spotted by huge quantity small, narrow and booming streets, laid between the palaces decorated by the family arms and heraldic symbols. Perhaps, success will smile to you to contemplate in a window the person of lady Roveny with fine, the truth, cold features, or during walk застучат hoofs, that on small town brave knight Ajvengo whom have disinherited.
Climate on Malta warm, soft and favorable for health. Here never there are snows, fogs, frosts and cold a wind. The temperature seldom falls to winter months below +14 degrees on Celsius. In years months average temperature about +29 degrees on Celsius. Excellent time for acceptance of solar baths, bathings in the azure sea and employment by nodiving. Intolerable heat here do not happen almost owing to a fresh breeze and the tender sea.
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