
Tokyo - Capital Of The Rising Sun

01/11/2014 - 18:58
In the "big" Tokyo there lives more than 12 000 000 person, т. е. Almost each tenth Japanese. The main sights of capital of Japan: the Imperial palace, the Tokyo tower (333),Nihonbasi, and Gindza - areas of entertainments and purchases, park Jojogi.


01/11/2014 - 17:03
B heart East Asia there is one of the charming countries of the world - Malaysia. Rest in Malaysia is an immersing in a treasury of different cultures and benevolent people, exotic kitchen, festivals, villages and modern skyscrapers.

Rest in Mexico

01/11/2014 - 16:58
Rest in Mexico is not only modern megacities and the well-known resorts at coasts of Pacific ocean, Caribbean sea and gulf of Mexico. Having appeared in Mexico to be limited to stay on magnificent beaches of Cancun, Riviera-Maia or Acapulico - it is inexcusable.
Malta harbor

Malta - an eternal carnival

01/11/2014 - 16:51
Malta - an eternal carnival which, perhaps, does not stop never. Island of eternal happiness, an all-the-year-round season of pleasure, euphoria and fine mood. Everyone to whom has had the luck to visit there, speak the same phrase: « Remarkable people, these malteses! ».
The Most Popular Alcohol Cocktails

The Most Popular Alcohol Cocktails

01/11/2014 - 16:42
Alcohol cocktail is drink, which as one or more of the ingredients used alcohol. Cocktail is done by mixing a few liquids and sometimes with addition spices and fruits. So, what the most popular cocktails?

Travelling - why is it important

01/11/2014 - 13:34
Today travelling is a way of life for some people. More and more people all over the world prefer to spend their holidays travelling.