Tokyo - Capital Of The Rising Sun

In the "big" Tokyo there lives more than 12 000 000 person, т. е. Almost each tenth Japanese. The main sights of capital of Japan: the Imperial palace, the Tokyo tower (333),Nihonbasi, and Gindza - areas of entertainments and purchases, park Jojogi. It is city where the cicadas sung in verses of national poets at night ring, and in the morning from amplifiers deafening words of a greeting and a command morning reach. In general strengthened voices will pursue you in Japan everywhere, - so call to hand over paper for recycling in exchange for a toilet paper or search for drivers incorrectly machines.

Tokyo became great city owing to severe both talented historical figures and their passion to reforms and town-planning. Iuasu Tocygafa was the powerful general which has suppressed resistance of specific princes battled with each other and united in 1590 all Japan. In the award for merits it has received the fertile grounds of valley Canto in possession.

After death of commander Hideyosi Toyotomi Tocugava itself became the shogun, i.e. the military leader. It has decided to not get over to Osaka. Then Эдо also became the main city of the country which was built by all Japan. Under order Токугавы hills were broken, bogs and shallow sites of a gulf were fallen asleep. While the first studied subtleties of tea ceremony and competed in fencing on the swords forbidden to commoners, the second created the crafts which have glorified Japan, the theatre "Cabuci" arose.

On all capital of Japan every year doctrines of firemen on September, 1st are spent, and evacuation of children, women and old men is fulfilled. It is date of " Great earthquake Canto " - 1923. Practically it has been completely destroyed Gindza - the central commercial street Tokyo. For two days of violence of fire was lost 140 000 person.

One more terrible fire which till now with horror recollect in Tokyo, has flashed at night with 9 for March, 10th, 1945 when the city was bombed with heavy American bombers "Б-29". By the morning on March, 10th third of huge city was a huge black spot. From an imperial palace there were heaps of stones. Miracle has escaped constructed by the well-known American architect Frenkom - Lloyd Rajom a building of hotel " Imperial ".

The serious attempt first from times Tocugava to order capital has been undertaken during preparation for the Tokyo Olympiad in 1964. Stadiums have been constructed, the prospectuses, a new television center and the television tower which has become by sight are laid wide on Tokyo a measure. Around of Olympic village have broken the biggest in Tokyo park Jojogi.

The best time for a trip to Japan, to Tokyo - the end of March - May or October - November. Besides habitually moderate weather (chilly enough and clearly, the temperature within the limits of 15-20 degrees of heat, but can be useful and a warm sweater with a umbrella), it is possible to find flowering of an. After September weather conditions about the same, only instead of an Oriental cherry Japan will offer you infinite variety of autumn paints with prevalence of maple purple.

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