Pressurization is one of the most dangerous emergency situations on board. It may result in emergency descent. The pilots will stop climb on board. It may result in emergency descent. The pilots will stop climb and request fot immediate descent, they can make an emergency descent without warning and emergenvy squawk. The controller may expect possible turn off the track.
During the flight an aircraft is pressurized and deprussirized causing some passengers, crew discomfort and possible injuties. After depressurization the pilot has to put on masks to get oxygen. If the pilot is unable to do this in time, he will rapidly lose consciousness. Sometimes the situation becomes more difficult when the pilots put on the oxygen masks and speak through them. The communication becomes poor and it affects the readability. As soon as possible the controller receives emergency declaration, the controller must separate the traffic in distress and clear the airspace. If the pilot prefers to nodivertand land at the nearest suitable aerodrome, the controller must give him necessary information about the aerodrome and weather condition there. The controller must coordinate the emergency landing with controller of the nodivertive aerodrome. The controller reports about this to the supervisor and gets the emergency services ready upon landing.
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