Romney needs his Opponents to Carry on Blasting Him

Right. With the situation like that, and like now at the race of the White House uphill, Romney is just having the best possible situation ever, to result in his win - and specifically, in his Republican party fellows blasting and scolding him, trying to bring him down the uphill, even by the cost of their votes.

The reason, why that will result in a win, is the very same reason, why it is good for Mitt Romney personally. Because, as each one of the disunited, hydra-headed Anti-Romney coalition tries to sting the candidate on the run, they just make him show off more offense on debates.

They touch the issue of his bank accounts (republicans does that with a perfect hypocrisy to one another, I know), and wraps up the tax returns data three months earlier in the campaign.
They hint on his moderate, all silky tone and manner of debates - Romney raises his performance, making Gingrich all blur and fade right before the crucial Florida primary.
They bombard him on the " King of Bain " grounds, and Mitt the Moderate makes the TV ad of the Gingrich's Freddie Mac co-op available for the electorate.

The main point is, that by every single hit the desperate Gingrich, Santorum and Paul make (the first one mainly, really) - the less aces they leave up the sleeve for the long, very long campaign run. And the most cleared off of all issues possible, as for being prepared to face them by Democrats witty hand summer, autumn 2012 if - they all make Romney.

Better chances for Gingrich to win, would really be by not touching Mitt at all, like ignoring the fact of their co-run. really. That, 2008 alas Romney would be far less opened for a break forward, than the 2012 Romney.

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