Library is a temple of knowledge

Library is a holy temple where knowledge and culture live. In any library hundreds of books are stored and each of them contains valuable information on a particular subject. There is no library in the entire world that does not have at least one book covering a certain discipline. For years, library was only source of credible information, for people doing research in their daily or academic lives.

With the development of internet, value of libraries and books in general has decreased drastically. Internet is often more convenient solution, that allows anyone who can type a word in a search bar have any information available to them at their fingertips. However, this information often can be biased or even incorrect. With Internet being unregulated medium, anyone can post information and claim it credible. For that particular reason, searching online one must be extremely cautious not to get a false answer passed off as right, and look like a fool at the end.

For this particular reason, I do find it more reliable and often faster to do my research at the library. There, even if I have to sort through the books finding the information, I do not have to sift through it, trying to judge its credibility. I can clearly state: I prefer libraries over Internet, when it comes to research. Unfortunately, my school does not have a good library, therefore I often visit the the public library near my house. I hope in future, more people will see the true value of printed book, and libraries will return to their days of glory.

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