Great Britain - The Foggy Albion

Great Britain is located on northwest of the European continent. The General area 244,1 kv. km. England - 130, 362 kv. km., Wales - 20, 740 kv. km., Scotland - 78, 772 kv. km, North Ireland - 14, 121 kv. km. Great Britain forms 13 part of European continent.

The Full name of the country United Kingdom and North Ireland. Great Britain is located on two large islands: island Great Britain and island Ireland and on 500 small islands. The West coast are washed water of the Atlantic ocean, east and south are washed North by sea and неширокими strait La-Mansh and Step-de-Excrement. West Great Britain is nodivided from Ireland by North channel Saint Georgia and Irish by sea. The First colonizer came up for stone ages. The Celts appeared on British island in 5 ages before n.e. Romer have possessed all European continent (since 43 n.e. before 410 n.e). Then with North Europe came the tribes a sakes, англов and quarterdeck. They have forced back them on north. On territory British island have begun to penetrate the Scandinavian tribes, which were quickly assimilated.

The Norman conquests (this Server area to France) have influenced upon development государственности in Britain’s, which accounts for 11 ages. For that time population formed 2 mln. In 19 ages was a national census (1801).

By the law "British Nationality Act" since January 1949 person, been born on British island was considered by person and day Great Britain. The Most density of the population in England, the least in North Scotland. The Main nationalities: Englishman, Scotsman, Irishman.

The most large city: Lord, Berliner, London, Glasgow, Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh. Great Britain consists of 4-h historian-geographical areas: England (capital London), Wales (Cardiff), Scotland (Edinburgh) and North Ireland (Belmont)

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