Crimea: Excursion To The «New Light»

The new Light - this amazing corner of the nature. He is famous due to its picturesque scenery and beauty. It is called a small country. Not a gift of the excursion in the New world have gained popularity. In this part of the Crimea - its shape and landscapes. Is a place in a charming Green Bay . It is washed by the Black sea at the foot of the net of the Crimean mountains, and yet here 6 km to the town of Sudak.

The founder of the village is considered to be Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn. He at the end of the XIX century was known as the winemaker. Here was his property, and then he established a plant for the production of professional sparkling wines. The local nature proved to be the most suitable background of such type of activity. Going on excursions to the New world, remember that the wine is produced according to the traditional technologies. Their quality was characterized by the higher. The first name of the place was Paradise. But in 1912, a peculiar property of the Prince of the visit of Nikolay II, and Paradise was renamed - there was a New Light.

And to this day there have been preserved two of the Palace of Prince Golitsyn, one of them is now given to the Museum. The other is known for its Moorish architecture - it was he who became the symbols of the coat of arms of the village. And the factory of sparkling wines continues to operate. Choosing a tour to the New world, pay attention to the vegetation is because the surroundings gave the status of the Botanical reserve, preserving the relict grove of a treelike juniper and pine Stankevich, giving the resort of pure healing air.

Surrounded by the former estate majestic mountains with a lot of cozy bays, wild cliffs, mysterious grottos and unique vegetation. From three sides the village is surrounded by mountains. Going on excursions to the New world, pay attention to the mountain slopes Koba-Kaya, the Falcon and the ridge of Kush-Kaya. The nature of this region, this is bizarre rocks, amphitheater mountain ranges, protect it from the winds. The warm sea, stands on the South-East. The coast is connected the three bays - Green, Blue, Blue. Looking at some of the Soviet films, it is easy to learn destinations. This is the tape, «Three plus two», «treasure Island», etc. Visiting the excursion in the New World, it is easy to feel the touch of bygone times. Besides landscapes, tourists are waiting for fresh air, an interesting story. Here the stress seemed to leave you. You will return home with new force, and it really will be a new life. But to do one tour is quite difficult. I want to take away from the beautiful places of the maximum of impressions.

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